• Photo of a senior with a piggy bank

Longevity and Financial Security: Holistic Planning for a Longer Retirement

2024-07-15T12:08:45-04:00July 23, 2024|

Today’s retirees know financial security isn’t just in a checkbook. It’s also health, sense of purpose and family. Holistic retirement planning can help. Past generations often did not have as many options as exist today for their older years. It was often school, work, retirement. And retirement might have meant more time for golf, grandkids and a trip now and then. But today’s older adults are changing the definition of retirement, with everything from working flex time to starting new careers to choosing leisure activities that add significant meaning and purpose to their lives. The result is a holistic approach to retirement, recognizing that it takes more than financial security, it requires creating a plan that aligns with your values and overall goals for a high quality of life.

  • Photo of seniors running

A New Age of Longevity: How Longer Life Expectancies Are Changing Retirement

2024-07-15T12:07:19-04:00July 16, 2024|

Longer life expectancies—an additional 10 to 20 years than previously estimated—are changing retirement as never before. Learn how to be ready. If you’re like most of today’s older adults, you probably aren’t interested in the conventional meaning of what we used to call retirement. You want more. You want to live a longer, happier, more fulfilling life filled with purpose. You also understand the importance of staying healthy as you age so that you may continue to pursue new interests and find more meaning in life. It's all part of today’s new conversation: instead of aging, it’s all about longevity. And it’s more than just numbers.

  • Photo for the article Internet Dating for Seniors Is a Whole New Ball Game

Internet Dating for Seniors Is a Whole New Ball Game

2024-05-23T22:46:27-04:00June 4, 2024|

The “rules of engagement” for those who have reached their 50s and 60s has changed. Here’s a look at how to make internet dating for seniors work for you. It’s easy to give into loneliness and surrender to isolation, but the hunt is more fun if you bring the right attitude, questions and desire to find the right one. Just have fun with it! Attention hoteliers: Boomers seek employment because 27% or 18,900,000 of them want to work to fill their desires for a retirement purpose, income, and sociability—and they are ready to work when you need them. Your new pay grades are acceptable. Many don’t need your benefits because they have their own – Medicare. And their biggest motivation is to belong again and interact with people.

  • Photo of a senior for the article Find Your Retirement Purpose in the Hospitality Industry

Find Your Retirement Purpose in the Hospitality Industry

2024-05-20T10:52:03-04:00May 14, 2024|

Boomers are looking for a retirement purpose. And the hospitality industry needs their work ethic, relational instincts and talents. Time to get together. Attention hoteliers: Boomers seek employment because 27% or 18,900,000 of them want to work to fill their desires for a retirement purpose, income, and sociability—and they are ready to work when you need them. Your new pay grades are acceptable. Many don’t need your benefits because they have their own – Medicare. And their biggest motivation is to belong again and interact with people.

  • Photo for the It’s Time to Retire “Retirement” Article

It’s Time to Retire “Retirement”

2024-05-20T10:52:42-04:00May 7, 2024|

It’s time to protect our mature workforce from extinction and take advantage of these experienced and wisdom-filled workers. Time to retire retirement!  It’s time to transition how we think about workforce-planning. We must get away from the misnomer that with age comes cognitive decline—thus the individual is no longer a “useful” member of the workforce and it’s time to retire—stepping aside so youth can advance and “cognitively” execute the necessary aspects of the job.

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